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CARE as Always – 2021/22 Volunteers Appreciation Scheme and Highlight Video of Services

Since its establishment in November 2005, CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team (CARE Team) has been actively participating in a wide range of community activities to support various vulnerable groups in the community. Under the "new normal" of COVID-19, CARE Team not only continues to participate in district-based services but also actively engages in diversified volunteer activities in response to the latest situation and the needs of different service users. In the service year of 2021/22, CARE Team has mainly focused on three aspects of volunteerism, namely together we fight the virus, care for the underprivileged and in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR, walking side by side with the society.

Looking back on the past service year, special recognition must go to all CARE volunteers. Without the volunteers' enthusiastic participation and support, the total service hours of CARE Team in 2021/22 could not have been achieved a remarkable record of 16,000 hours. The Club and CARE Team have clinched two accolades, namely "Outstanding Corporate & Non-Commercial Organization" and "Top 10 Highest Volunteer Hours Award (Corporate)", in the Hong Kong Volunteer Award 2022. It recognises CARE Team's continuous contribution in serving the community despite the challenges amid the pandemic.

CARE Team has launched the Volunteers Appreciation Scheme, in recognition of CARE volunteers for their keen participation and wholehearted dedication to volunteer work annually. The Club's Executive Director, Corporate Affairs Raymond Tam presented the service awards to the three outstanding volunteers under the Scheme of 2021/22 at the Jockey Club Headquarters on 10 November 2022, as a token of appreciation for their efforts in serving the community. The outstanding volunteers are Anna Ning, Claudia Lee and Michelle Tang. Together, they have contributed over 850 service hours to the community in the past year.

CARE Team has been continuously serving the community through different roles and the CARE volunteers can easily be found in various services. A retrospective video is prepared to recap and highlight some of the volunteer services in the year, as well as volunteer representatives' thoughts. We hope that more colleagues will join us in the journey of volunteerism to embrace the spirit of spreading love and care to the needy.

Looking forward, CARE Team will continue to serve the community by initiating and developing diversified volunteer services for the betterment of our society.