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Jockey Club launches COVID-19 Food Assistance Programme to support the unemployed and underemployed

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has recently launched the Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme with approved funding of HK$240 million from its Charities Trust to offer transitional and timely relief to ease financial burdens and provide nutritious food supplies for those who have become unemployed or underemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic and who are not currently receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and other regular food assistance. Over 70,000 people are expected to benefit.

The Programme follows a series of Club initiatives implemented since February to help those hard hit by the pandemic. Together they have reached over a million vulnerable citizens, including the elderly, the disabled and schoolchildren. The new programme brings the Club’s total approved funding for COVID-19 initiatives to HK$586 million.
The new Food Assistance Programme will be implemented with the support of six NGOs – Food Angel, Food for Good, Hong Kong Christian Service, Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited, Po Leung Kuk, and St. James’ Settlement.

It consists of four initiatives designed to provide flexible and targeted support over periods ranging from eight weeks to 12 months:

  • Automated Food Dispenser Service – distribution of cook-chill meals, prepared in community kitchens, via automated food dispensers, allowing for flexible collection times that suit the needs of those working irregular hours
  • Food Pack Service – support for food bank operators to expand their capacity and tailor food packs to the needs of beneficiaries e.g. babies and ethnic minority groups
  • Hot Meal Service – support for a hot meal operator to expand capacity
  • Food Express Service – food assistance support for people who are homebound or who do not have cooking space (to be launched later)

Individuals eligible for assistance are those who have become unemployed or underemployed since 1 February 2020 and who are currently not receiving CSSA and other regular food assistance. To be eligible for the Automated Food Dispenser or Hot Meal Services, the average monthly household income of the applicant for the three months prior to application must be at or below 55% of the median household income, while the threshold for the Food Pack and Food Express Services is between 56% and 75% of the median household income.

Further details can be found at the Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme website, or by calling its hotline at 2596 2789.

Introduction video: