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CARE@hkjc Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 2023

The CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team ("CARE Team") has been actively supporting vulnerable groups in the community since its establishment in 2005. Over the years, the CARE Team has not only continued to participate in district-based services but has also actively engaged in diversified volunteer activities in response to the latest situation and the needs of different service users. In the service year of 2022/23, the CARE Team exemplified how five key factors – commitment, passion, leadership, management support, and human resources policy – altogether play an important role in promoting volunteerism at a corporate level.

To appreciate the dedication of the CARE volunteers, we continue to have the annual Volunteers Appreciation Scheme in place. This year, the Award Ceremony cum Appreciation Dinner was held on 15 September 2023 at the Happy Valley Racecourse. On that day, participants enjoyed engaging activities such as playing claw machines, taking instant photos, making cotton candy, and getting arm paintings by the newly established body-painting team “CARE Painters” before the ceremony commenced. The CARE Band made their debut to kick start the event, creating a heartwarming atmosphere.

The Club’s Chief Executive Officer Engelbrecht-Bresges expressed gratitude to CARE volunteers for their unwavering commitment in connecting the Club with the community. He awarded three outstanding volunteers, namely Anna Ning, Rosa Leung and Michelle Tang, in recognition of their remarkable contributions. Together, they contributed over 1,100 service hours to the community in the past year. This year, new categories of the awards were established to highlight the committed engagement of full-time employees and volunteers with special and distinguished characteristics. Raymond Tam, the Club’s Executive Director, Corporate Affairs, Michael Fitzsimons, the Club’s Executive Director, Wagering Products and Dennis Hau, the Club’s Executive Director, Customer Strategy, Insights, and Innovation presented the special awards.