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Jockey Club introduces PROcruit C to help first-time jobseekers establish caring careers

The economic downturn has made it difficult for graduates to find jobs. In December 2020, The Hong Kong Jockey Club launched PROcruit C, a talent matching and development initiative for fresh graduates seeking jobs amid the ongoing pandemic, to nurture caring and motivated talent for the community.

With approved funding of HK$52.26 million from the Club’s Charities Trust, the initiative is collaborating with NGOs and over 100 employers to create 400 trainee positions for degree or sub-degree first-time jobseekers. It will boost first-time jobseekers’ readiness for their first jobs with soft and professional skills for the 21st century workplace and help their professional career development in four emerging areas: Creativity for Good; Technology for Good; Business for Good; and Healthcare for Good. These encompass promising job roles such as transmedia content creators, associate artists in early childhood education and wellness planners. 

PROcruit C will guide applicants to apply for job roles that best match their VASK (values, attitudes, skills and knowledge) across 12 professions. This approach enables employers to go beyond qualifications when offering job positions to fresh graduates.

A total of 400 first-time jobseekers will be recruited in three cohorts. Successful applicants will begin their 12-month traineeship in the first half of 2021 and will be offered over 100 hours of training and coaching, as well as networking opportunities. The programme will also offer a two-week onboarding training programme which emphasises skills essential in the new economy and profession-specific skills to be taught by industry experts and trainers.

PROcruit C’s industry conveners are: Good Lab, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, New Life Rehabilitation Association, Po Leung Kuk and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Its education and training partners are: Caritas Institute of Community Education, Generation Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.  PROcruit C is also supported by IBM, JobsDB, LinkedIn and Microsoft.

Graduates of 2018/2019 and 2019/20 who are degree or sub-degree holders and first-time jobseekers may obtain further details about PROcruit C at