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JC PROJECT LIFT sets out to reduce poverty levels by pioneering the Urban Graduation Approach (UGA) in Hong Kong. Based on the successful Graduation Approach used in rural settings overseas, the UGA has been localised to address the challenges of poverty in a modern urban environment. It is targeted at empowering underprivileged families living in transitional housing to lift them out of poverty.
Several key social innovations have been introduced under the project. The Family Capacity Building Planner helps families identify and strengthen their capacities and set development goals. At the Jockey Club Level-up Empowerment Employment Centre, professional consultants guide them in identifying their strengths, upskilling and exploring new career opportunities, while the JC LIFT Hub serves to foster community support and wellbeing.
Through the project, we aim to help families break the poverty trap by enhancing their family capacities and developing sustainable livelihoods. Besides empowering them financially through a savings scheme and initiatives that improve their employment prospects, we also seek to build their confidence and self-esteem by encouraging them to expand their social circle and engage with the wider community.
Run in collaboration with 18 partners and with the support of the HKSAR Government’s Housing Bureau and Labour and Welfare Bureau, JC PROJECT LIFT is expected to benefit approximately 14,000 families across 25 transitional housing projects.
To learn more about the project, please visit: