Charities & Community

Talent & Sector Development
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JC InnoPower Fellowship

Teachers and social workers play an important role in our community. In response to the increasingly complex educational and social challenges in the 21st century, an innovative mindset becomes a valuable asset for them to fulfil their missions. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, in partnership with Ednovators, Saïd Business School of The University of Oxford, The DO School in Berlin, Germany, Hong Kong Social Workers Association and Social Ventures Hong Kong, initiated and funded JC InnoPower Fellowship for Teachers and Social Workers, with a donation of $210.8 million since 2016.

The programme aimed at nurturing and empowering innovative talents in the education and social service sectors is designed with three main components, namely capacity building, change actualisation and community building to build the long-term capability of the social work and teaching professions. It offers Teacher and Social Worker Fellows the much-needed resources, local and overseas learning opportunities, cross-sector exposure and, most important of all, an enabling community in which they find support and co-creation opportunities to innovate for their organisations and schools.

From reflecting and learning to incubating idea and implementing their innovative initiatives, Fellows will be supported through the inspiring journey by a community of like-minded peers and coaches.

To learn more about the programme, please visit