Charities & Community

Charities & Community Activities


Elderly Services

Jockey Club supports Gerontech and Innovation Expo to improve elderly quality of life

Supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club for the third consecutive year, this year's Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) was held from 19 to 22 November. Through the exhibition, online summit and workshops, GIES promoted the application of gerontechnology and innovation to enhance the elderly's quality of life.

The Club has long supported elderly services as one of its strategic focus areas. It is committed to addressing the challenges of a rapidly ageing society and building Hong Kong into an age-friendly city. It also supports an array of projects that promote the use of gerontechnology, which involves the application of scientific research and technology to improve the elderly's quality of life as well as to facilitate ageing in place.

There were around 160 exhibitors at this year's GIES, showcasing more than 500 local and overseas gerontech products and solutions. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Pavilion, through interactive displays, featured several Trust-initiated or Trust-supported projects for the elderly which use information technology. Among them, the Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project aims to help the elderly better manage their health; while the Jockey Club Caring Communities for Dementia Campaign promotes the use of a mobile tracking system to find those who are missing and help build a dementia-friendly community.

A designated booth also introduced the pilot service model ofthe Jockey Club 'age at home' Gerontech Education and Rental Services, showcasing gerontech products as well as the latest rental and maintenance services. The services are supported by the Club's Charities Trust and implemented by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service with non-governmental organisations.

This year's online summit was held on 18 November. Various international and local experts, including a representative from the Club, were invited to share the latest developments and applications of gerontechnology as well as to discuss innovative solutions for elderly care through online plenary sessions to improve the elderly's quality of life.