Charities & Community

Charities & Community Activities


Education and Training

Jockey Club initiates fellowships to stimulate innovation among teachers and social workers

Teachers and social workers play important roles in nurturing the next generation and responding to the needs of different social sectors. To fulfil their missions effectively, they must move with the times and have an innovative mindset.

Research commissioned by the Club’s Charities Trust involving 1,000 teachers and social workers has revealed that nearly 90% feel their sectors need innovation. However, only 10% believe they are ready to innovate, citing reasons such as heavy workload and a lack of support.

In order to equip teachers and social workers to become “changemakers” in society, the Trust has initiated a four-year programme, InnoPower@JC: Fellowship for Teachers and Social Workers. With the aim of nurturing talent in the education and social service sectors, the programme encourages teachers and social workers to take on innovative projects that will benefit their schools or organisations, thereby contributing to the long-term development of these sectors.

Ednovators, a platform for innovations in education, and Hong Kong Social Workers Association are serving as partners to the Trust in creating the fellowship programme, which has the support of the Education Bureau, Social Welfare Department and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

InnoPower@JC is funded by a donation of over HK$68 million from the Trust. It will involve a series of training and exchange activities to encourage teachers and social workers to evaluate and reflect on all aspects of their work, so as to stimulate their intrinsic innovative spirit, broaden their knowledge base and extend their international exposure. The initiative is designed with three main components:

  • Capacity Building: During a subsidised 10-week sabbatical leave, Teacher Fellows and Social Worker Fellows will exchange ideas with local social innovators and experts. They will also go abroad to learn from industry professionals in countries that are known for innovation in the education and social service sectors.
  • Actualising Change: Fellows will each nominate two co-workers as Buddies to learn and implement innovative projects that will benefit their schools or organisations. Relief funds will support hires when Fellows and Buddies are away, while project seed funds will support Fellows in carrying out their pilot projects.
  • Community Building: Fellows and their Buddies will share their ideas in the workplace and the community to spread the spirit of innovation, while also participating in regular gatherings to facilitate mutual learning.

During the course of the programme, 37 teachers and 37 social workers will be nurtured in three cohorts, along with 74 Buddies in each sector. It is expected that over 30 pilot projects in the education sector and 30 in social services  will be incubated as a result.

Applications for the teacher fellowship are open from now until 6 February 2017. Social worker fellowship applications will open in February. For details, please visit