Charities & Community

Charities & Community Activities


Education and Training

Club highlights its wide-ranging support for talent development, celebrating 20th Anniversary of HKJC Scholarships

Investing in leadership talent and nurturing caring individuals is vital to the future success of Hong Kong society, as they will carry the torch for the community and shape its destiny for decades to come.

The Club has long been committed to nurturing talent, funding various projects to cultivate a favourable learning environment for students to explore different pathways. In addition to granting scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students, those with special education needs and those engaged in vocational education, it has been supporting other programmes promoting coding education, Chinese learning by ethnic minorities and the development of social workers and teachers.

Marking the 20th Anniversary of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarships, over 200 representatives from the Club's NGO and community partners joined the 2018 Community Day Race Meeting at Sha Tin Racecourse on 21 April to celebrate this memorable milestone.

The HKJC Scholarships were established in 1998. The scheme provides an average of 45 scholarships each year for local and Mainland students to pursue first degree courses in the eight UGC-funded institutions and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Since 2016/17 academic year, the Club has further supported nine undergraduates with special education needs in the nine tertiary institutions, and 16 students in vocational education programmes. It has also extended the Scholarships to six postgraduate students at the University of Oxford and Harvard University each year.

In total to date, more than 500 talented young people have been recognised under the scheme for their intellect, character and leadership qualities, as well as their commitment to community service.

The Club is committed to nurturing compassionate leaders. Besides the Scholarships, it has funded various projects such as InnoPower@JC: Fellowship for Teachers and Social Workers,which is aimed at empowering innovative and collaborative people to cultivate creativity among the education and social service sectors.

The annual Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Day meeting has since 2005 served as a way of honouring the Club's successful partnerships with NGOs, Government departments, academic institutions and other groups for the betterment of Hong Kong.