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Fu Hong's Cookies Workshops Enable Understanding of Intellectual Disabled People while Promoting Social Inclusion

It is important for the disabled people to be respected and recognised since they enjoy the same basic human rights as the normal people do. Those who have intellectual disabilities (ID) even require acceptance and aids from the society so that they can integrate into the community. To allow more understanding of the ID public and their needs, CARE Volunteer Team joined hands with Fu Hong Society to organise two workshops on Saturday 16 January and Thursday 21 January for the volunteers. A total of 80 CARE members joined the programme in which they had a chance to make cookies with the ID people which helped promoting social inclusion.

The workshops are organised at the rehabilitation centre of Fu Hong Society at Aberdeen. Volunteers attended a briefing on intellectual disabilities before they made cookies with their ID partners, allowing a direct interaction and exchange opportunity among them. Participants also paid visits to some severely disabled boarders as well as the facilities and workshops of the centre. It is the first time for most of the volunteers to interact with ID people. The volunteers appreciated this special experience and are looking forward to join services related to ID people in the future.