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CARE Volunteers Support Fu Hong's Outings for Intellectual Disabled People

Following the success of the cookies workshops held early this year allowing CARE volunteers to have initial interaction with the intellectual disabled (ID) people of Fu Hong Society, more outings are organised in April and August to keep the momentum. It is aimed to further enhance the volunteers' understanding of the ID people through the format of small group or one-to-one interaction which also helps the ID people integrate into the community. During the course, the ID buddies experience the care and friendship of the volunteers who in return realise the importance of social life to the ID people.

One of the outings is held on Friday 8 April at Aberdeen Country Park in which 20 Fu Hong's ID buddies are accompanied by 30 volunteers to enjoy a leisure walk around the Aberdeen Reservoir and play games together. The other two activities included visit to the Hong Kong Museum of History and Hong Kong Museum of Costal Defence on Friday 5 August and Saturday 13 August respectively. Twenty ID buddies are accompanied by 20 volunteers during each of the museum visits. The ID people are extremely excited about the trip as they rarely have a chance to pay museum a visit. Volunteers also benefit from the activities as they learn more about the needs of the ID people through interacting with them.