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CARE Volunteers Fully Support iRun 2017 - Special Marathon for ID People

The Club’s Charities Trust was, for the sixth consecutive year, sponsoring the "iRun - Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon" which was held on Sunday 15 January 2017. Despite the cold and rain on the day, more than 80 people from CARE Volunteer Team joined this special occasion for helping and encouraging the participants to run for good health and spread the message of social integration for people with disabilities.

Organised by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, this annual i-Run sports event is aimed to encourage active sport participation of people with Intellectual Disability (ID) as well as to promote social inclusion in the community. Twenty two CARE volunteers joined as paired-up runners for ID people to complete a 3 km race on the day, a good partnership to demonstrate the spirit of social integration. For the rest of the volunteers, they helped as on-site supporters at different locations including the command post, finish point and ceremony stage, making sure a smooth running of the whole event.