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Mega Drum Performance Energises Sha Tin Riverfront

To enrich the all-rounded experience of our volunteers, CARE volunteer team actively engages in various district-based activities. In February 2018, more than 60 CARE members participated in the Mega Drum Performance of the Sha Tin Drum Festival for the first time to promote the culture of drum-hitting and percussion in Sha Tin Park Plaza.

The Sha Tin Drum Festival is organised by the Sha Tin Art & Culture Promotion Committee and co-organised by the Sha Tin District Office. One week prior to the show, volunteers spared four hours to practise and rehearse for the performance. Apart from learning drum-hitting skills, performers also had to manage the rhythm and expression in music. At the end of the training session, all volunteers were confident about the upcoming performance.

On the event day, energetic CARE members and other volunteers from various local organisations and schools completed an excellent performance under the guidance of experienced instructors. All volunteers enjoyed the show and their thriving performance also earned big applause from public.