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The 18 Districts Cup Race Meeting "Care in the Community"

The 18 Districts Cup race meeting was held at Sha Tin Racecourse on 25 March 2018. To recognise the contribution and efforts of Club's Volunteer Team in serving the community, the theme for this year's 18 Districts Cup race meeting was "Care in the Community"

Over 200 community leaders including Legislative Councillors, District Councillors and District Officers joined the race meeting and celebrated the collaborative efforts of Club's Volunteer Team with its community partners for the betterment of our society.

In the welcome remarks, Club's Deputy Chairman Anthony Chow appraised Club's Volunteer Team, "I am delighted to see the Club's employees devoting their free time to volunteering and community service." He added, "With an emphasis on district-based services, our volunteers have joined hands with many District Councillors here today in working for the community."

7 CARE members who had the highest service hours record in S2016/2017, together with Retail's Caring Heart volunteers and committee members of Management Graduate Trainee (MGT) Community 2017 joined the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of 18 District Councils and participated in the opening ceremony, symbolised that Club's Volunteer Team will continue working hand-in-hand with districts and community partners for the betterment of our society.

The Club holds the 18 Districts Cup race meeting every year to pay tribute to the contributions made by District Councils to community development, and to celebrate the Club's solidarity with all 18 districts.