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CARE Members Give the Flowers a New Home in the Inaugural Green Recycling Day of the Hong Kong Flower Show 2018

Hong Kong Flower Show attracts and gathers thousands of flower-loving people in the city every year. In 2018, the show attracted more than 720,000 visitors. However, it is unpleasant to see a scented flower show filled with bags of wilted plants, plastic flower pots and soil after event.

With an aim to reduce the waste of Hong Kong Flower Show, CARE participated in the inaugural Green Recycling Day held by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and (LCSD) the Environmental Protection Department in the wake of the show. Applying the 3R concept - "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" - on waste management, CARE volunteers assisted in separating and collecting reusable and recyclable materials at the showground for waste reduction. In order to achieve remarkable result of waste-reducing, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund has sponsored a green initiative, “Give the Flowers a New Home!” to replant suitable flowers and landscape displays, and then distribute to schools, environmental groups and non-governmental organisations.

All volunteers participated in a workshop held by LCSD to learn how to separate, collect and handle reusable and recyclable materials. Furthermore, they also learnt how to remove the wilted part of the plants and move the plants into suitable containers.

On the event day, 16 CARE members joined forces to collect all flowers suitable for replanting, and distributed around 5,000 pots of dahlia to members of the public.  They also helped in collecting recyclables, including carton boxes, plastic flower pots and other plastics, soil, metals, wooden planks and more in addition to wilted flowers.  The wilted flowers will be delivered to the Animal Waste Composting Plant in Ngau Tam Mei for recycling into organic compost.