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Ethnic Minority Students Shine on Stage with the Help of CARE Volunteers

With an aim to develop EM students' potential in fashion design and increase their career opportunities, CARE team partnered with Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (SEKSS) to launch a fashion course for S.4 - S.5 students. Students attended a series of lessons conducted by INNO fashion with participation of CARE volunteers to help designing and sewing. The finished outfits were presented by student models and showcased in a fashion show through the school musical "Brave New World" by the end of the school term.

SEKSS is a government secondary school with over 80% of students are non-Chinese ethnic minorities. In the fashion course, 20 students were involved in designing, modeling and hosting the fashion show. They were asked to design outfits inspired by "The Belt and Road Initiative" with the assistance of CARE volunteers. After completion of the fashion course, the finished products were presented at a school fashion show held in July with student models cat walking on the stage in front of their schoolmates and parents. With the support of CARE volunteers, students completed an excellent performance which won much applause from the audience. The programme helped to explore potential talent of EM students in fashion design and both students and CARE volunteers gained satisfaction throughout the process.