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Club Volunteers Join "Give Me Five" for the Fourth Year to Spread the Message of Care

Organised by Hong Kong Women Development Association (HKWDA), the fourth "Give Me Five" Food Bank Programme continued to be fully supported by the Club this year. The programme aimed to provide food assistance for new immigrants, underprivileged families and the elderly living in the New Territories as well as to promote their integration into the local community. Volunteers paid visit to target families to distribute food packs.

The programme was commenced in March this year, volunteers were separated in small teams to pay monthly visits to the households arranged by HKWDA in Tuen Mun, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Tseung Kwan O and Tin Shui Wai. During the visits, volunteers chatted with the needy for a better understanding of their situations and presented them food packs. A closing ceremony to conclude the programme was held on 18 August in Tin Shui Wai after the last household visit. Certificates of appreciation for the volunteers were presented on stage by Yuen Long Assistant District Officer Joanna POON. It was then followed by a volunteer sharing session, in which our CARE representatives shared their service experience and the joy of helping others. The programme completed successfully with the participations of over 150 CARE members this year. They all agreed that the visits were very meaningful and they gained better understanding of the underprivileged group in the community.