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CARE Volunteers Support “Together We Care 2019” in 7 consecutive years

The Club is committed to supporting different kinds of charitable and community projects, serving all sectors of society through its cooperation with different local community partners. “Together We Care 2019”, an annual visit organised by Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association, continued to be sponsored by the Club and supported by hundreds of CARE volunteers this year. The event is aimed at spreading warmth and care to about 2,500 elderly singletons and low-income families in the community by paying them home visits and giving them gifts of goodie bags.

On 9 Nov 2019, CARE volunteers joined hands with elite athletes and other volunteer groups to prepare the goodies bags for the visits on the next day. In the early morning of 10 Nov, CARE volunteers and their friends arrived at Hong Kong Sports Institute to attend the kick-off ceremony. After that, they headed to visit elderly singletons and low-income families in North District. During the visit, volunteers chatted with the families and presented the goodie bags to them, spreading warmth in this cold season.