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All You Knit is Love - Spreading love and care through handmade scarfs

In this winter, over 120 CARE members contributed their skills in knitting and proudly made over 660 scarfs in less than a month time and presented to the elderly and the needy, spreading love and care to the community.

Initiated by district organization Bauhinia Club, CARE volunteers were invited to knit scarfs with the wools provided. Each scarf has its own pattern designed by volunteers and with a note carrying their warm blessings.

The scarfs were then presented to the elderly and people-in need in various CARE volunteer services. In January, CARE Cantonese Opera Team visited Sin Tin Toa Home for the Aged and presented the scarfs to the elders during the pre-CNY gathering. The elders were happy when receiving the scarfs and said that they felt the warmth brought by the volunteers.