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Providing a Better Home for Stray Animals: Weeding Service for HKSCDA

The Hong Kong Saving Cats and Dogs Association (HKSCDA) is a local non-profit organisation committed to providing food, medical treatment, sterilisation and adoption services for street cats and dogs. In view of excessive plant growth during rainy season, its shelter based in Tai Lam, was in urgent need of enhancement.

On 26 September, eight CARE Team members, embarked on a mission to remove unwanted plants near the shelter, in an effort to provide a safer walking path for HKSCDA volunteers and dogs to move around. The event was a success, with water boots, gloves and weeding tools, it took around three hours for our volunteers to successfully weed out a substantial amount of unwanted wild plants and grass.

After the weeding, dogs were allowed more space to exercise, and volunteers could also enjoy a safer pathway to move around. On the other hand, the event significantly reduced infestation of snakes, rodent and mosquitoes.

On this cloudy but slightly windy Saturday, CARE volunteers were all delighted to be able to contribute to a more comfortable living environment for the animals!