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All You Knit is Love - Having a Heart-warming Winter with Handmade Scarfs and Hats

Although COVID-19 and cold weather continue to hit the winter, CARE Team kept bringing love and warmth to every corner in the community. This year, over 160 CARE volunteers participated in the “All You Knit is Love” programme and proudly made more than 760 scarfs and hats for the singleton elderly as well as the homeless. It is the twelfth year for the CARE members to join the programme, in which they knitted the scarfs at home with the wools provided.

To attract more volunteers to participate in this programme, four knitting workshops conducted by experienced volunteer tutors were arranged for the beginners to learn the basic knitting skills. In addition to the two designated types of scarfs, volunteers with advanced knitting skills learned to make wool hats in the workshops, which offered an extra choice of knitted item for those in need.

Due to the severe epidemic situation, CARE volunteers were unable to present the scarfs and hats to the needy in person this year. Instead, the knitted products were delivered to the singleton elderly and the homeless through our district partners and centres, spreading the love and care to the community.