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Appreciation to Outstanding CARE Volunteers for Serving the Community Continuously amid the Pandemic

Since its establishment in November 2005, CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team (“CARE Team”) has been actively participating in a wide range of community activities to support various vulnerable groups in the community.

CARE Team launched the Volunteers Appreciation Scheme, in recognition of CARE members for their keen participation and wholehearted dedication to volunteering work. The Club’s Executive Director, Corporate Affairs Raymond Tam presented the service awards to the three outstanding volunteers under the Scheme of 2020/21 at the Jocky Club Headquarter on 2 July 2021, as a token of appreciation for their hard work in serving the community amid the pandemic. The outstanding volunteers are Anna Ning, Claudia Lee and Rosa Leung. Together, they have contributed over 600 service hours to the community in the past year.

In 2020/21, owing to the unprecedented COVID-19 challenges, some of the community services had been suspended, postponed or even cancelled. Nevertheless, CARE Team continued to uphold its mission and participated in more than 200 community activities with stringent precautionary measures in place, to address the social needs and support the community through difficult times. Although this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was called off in view of the Government’s requirement in reducing gatherings, EDCA expressed gratitude to every member of the CARE Team for their concerted efforts in taking part in various volunteer services over the past year.

Looking forward, the CARE Team will act continuously to spread the spirit of volunteerism across the city for the betterment of our society, echoing the Club’s purpose.