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Hong Kong Dog Rescue Hong Kong Island Flag Day – Advocacy for Dog Adoption and Public Education

The CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team is always committed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the community. Apart from the regular service “JC Woof Woof Walk” in collaboration with Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR), it was the first time for the CARE Team to support its Hong Kong Island Flag Day fundraising event, dated July 24 (Saturday).

Since its establishment in 2003, HKDR has been serving the specific purpose of saving dogs and puppies from the Hong Kong Government’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) Animal Management Centres. Through this Flag Day, HKDR aimed to raise funds to enhance its dog adoption and public education service, as well as to advocate animal welfare. 

The Flag Day was held in the morning of July 24 (Saturday). A total of 72 CARE volunteers participated in this fundraising event in various districts on Hong Kong Island, including Sai Wan, Central, Wan Chai, Eastern, and Southern District. This event was meaningful not only because it was charitable, but also inspiring and educational. It was impressive that some volunteers supported the Flag Day along with their adopted dogs, which truly reflected they do what they preach; while some joined with their young children so that they could learn more about animal rights and welfare from an early age.

Even though supporting fundraising events may seem like a small and minor act, it is believed that if everyone is willing to contribute a little bit to the good deeds, someday we can make insightful changes in society.