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Continue to CARE in the New Normal – Highlight Video of CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team Services in 2020/21

The “new normal” under COVID-19 has posed extraordinary challenges in almost all sectors of the community. In view of this, CARE Team not only continues to participate in district-based services but also actively engages in diversified volunteer activities to address the needs of different service users. In the service year of 2020/21, CARE Team has mainly focused on three aspects of volunteerism, namely care for the community, animal services, and together we fight the virus. It is aimed to provide material and emotional support for those in need, which demonstrates and upholds CARE Team’s commitment to serving society.

Looking back at the past service year, special recognition must go to all CARE volunteers. Without volunteers’ enthusiastic participation and support, the total service hours of CARE Team in 2020/21 could not have been achieved a remarkable record of 11,000 hours. A variety of beneficiaries have been served, including families with low income, singleton elderly, ethnic minorities, stray animals, children with special learning needs (SEN), etc. In consideration of social distancing measures under the COVID-19 epidemic and health protection of CARE members, some volunteer services were conducted remotely via video teleconferencing software programs, while only limited physical activities were held.

Despite the global pandemic crisis, CARE Team has made continuous effort to serve the community in different ways. A retrospective video is prepared to recap and highlight the precious moments of both online and offline volunteer services in the year, as well as the memorable experiences and thoughts about community services shared by volunteer representatives. It is hoped that more colleagues will be inspired to join the journey of volunteerism and feel the joy of spreading love and care to the needy:

Looking forward, CARE Team will continue to serve the community by initiating and developing diversified volunteer services, hence establishing a harmonious society in the long run.