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The Club Wins Two Accolades in Hong Kong Volunteer Award

The Club has won two accolades in the Hong Kong Volunteer Award, a territory-wide scheme co-organised by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government and Agency for Volunteer Service. The two awards, Outstanding Corporate & Non-Commercial Organisation and Top Ten Highest Volunteer Hours (Group 1: Corporate with 1,000 or above full-time employees), are a testimony to the brilliant performance of the Club to promote a caring culture through participating in voluntary work, and the achievement of a record high of over 16,000 service hours with the strategic and resilient provision of online volunteering services amid the pandemic.

Since the establishment of CARE@hkjc in 2005, it has spared no effort to encourage employees and retirees to serve the community, and systematically curate servicing plans. Each year, over 1,200 members in CARE@hkjc, participate in more than 300 volunteering services with a large variety of focus areas such as visiting elderly households, fostering children’s physical and mental development, supporting low-income families and ethnic minorities, as well as animal care, environment protection and so on, to send love and care to the needy groups and animals.

Amid the pandemic, CARE@hkjc also responded to community’s needs by strategically focusing on services which targeted anti-epidemic, ethnic minorities, and animal care, with a series of online volunteering activities to enhance flexibility. When the pandemic situation became stable, face-to-face services gradually resumed, for example “Together We Care 2022” earlier, volunteers sent their regards visiting grassroots’ households.