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Love and Care in Action @Herppy Chill

When it comes to adorable animals, fluffy puppies, furry kittens and chubby bunnies often come to mind. However, little do people know that beneath the cold exterior of herptiles (amphibians and reptiles), there lies a unique cuteness and happy soul that makes them not only cool but also approachable!

In collaboration with the Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation (“HKHERP”), the CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team has initiated a new programme “Herppy Chill”. This programme aims to provide care for homeless herptiles and accompany them on their journey to finding a forever home.

Every year, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department refers around 300-400 herptiles to HKHERP. Among them, some are endangered species seized by the Customs during anti-smuggling operations, while others are abandoned pets or rescued individuals found in the wild by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong). These herptiles often arrive in poor health and require a considerable amount of time to recover before they are ready for adoption.

Between May and August 2023, around 20 CARE volunteers, along with their relatives and friends, were divided into four groups to participate in Herppy Chill. They assisted HKHERP in caring for the herptiles by cleaning the terrariums, feeding the residents, and engaging in interactive activities. Through the service, the volunteers deepened their understanding of these cool herptiles, raising awareness about these precious species.