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Embracing Mid-Autumn Joy, Creating a United Community

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team organised a number of joyful and meaningful activities with the aim of fostering a festive atmosphere, promoting cultural heritage and strengthening community relationships.

In collaboration with the Hong Kong South District Women's Association, the CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team held the "Joyful Mid-Autumn Lantern Workshop" on 17 September 2023. The workshop provided an opportunity for children living in the Southern District to immerse themselves in the joyous ambiance of the festival. Led by some 20 CARE volunteers, the children learnt traditional handicraft skills as they crafted their own unique bunny lanterns with focused and excited expressions, showcasing their boundless creativity and imagination. Through this hands-on experience, this younger generation not only acquired valuable skills but also gained a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of preserving heritage.

Furthermore, the CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team joined forces with the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Multi-Disciplinary Outreaching Supports Teams to support the “Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Workshop cum Elderly Visit” on 25 August and 18 September 2023. 10 CARE members visited elderly care homes, engaging the residents in lantern-making activities. The activity served as a platform for the elderly to experience the festive spirit while receiving community care and support. The lantern-making process evoked joy and excitement among the elderly, fostering meaningful interactions and establishing strong emotional connections with the volunteers.

The volunteers wholeheartedly enjoyed these activities and expressed their hopes for similar events in the future, looking forward to creating more opportunities for people to participate and contribute to creating a warm and harmonious community.