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Completion of Peng Chau Mural under “Mural Painting In Rural Villages” Programme

The Hong Kong Jockey Club has actively participated in the Mural Painting in Rural Villages Programme in collaboration with the Heung Yee Kuk (“HYK”) New Territories and its 27 Rural Committees since 2019. This partnership aims to promote the traditional cultural heritage of the New Territories to the general public and infuse rural areas with visual arts through mural painting. The mural in Peng Chau is the ninth project completed under this initiative, following murals in Shek Mun (HYK Main Building), Tuen Mun, Hang Hau, Sha Tau Kok, Tung Chung, Ha Tsuen, Kam Tin, and Tsuen Wan.

Situated at the former Peng Chau Chi Yan Public School, the Peng Chau mural tells a story of the island's rich history. During the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), Peng Chau flourished with bustling business activities, and today, some parts of the island seem frozen in time. Despite its small size, Peng Chau, with its historical significance, scenic landscapes, and charming street art, serves as the ideal canvas for this project.

On 12 and 13 January 2024, more than 120 volunteers from the CARE Volunteer Team participated in the painting work, contributing their time and effort to create this beautiful mural. The creative concept of the mural revolved around four traditional crafts that constitute the essence of Peng Chau: matches, lime kilns, cowhide, and porcelain. These elements, along with the breathtaking sunset scenery of the island, are depicted through the mural.

The completion ceremony for the mural was held on 27 January 2024. The officiating guests included Freely Cheng, Head of External Affairs of the Club, Ken Wong, Chairman of Peng Chau Rural Committee (“PCRC”), Lee Man-on, the 1st Vice-Chairman of PCRC, Raymond Tsang, the 2nd Vice-Chairman of PCRC, Chan Ka-mun, the Chairlady of HYK the New Territories Traditional Cultural Committee, and Thomas Li, the Assistant District Officer (Islands) of the Islands District Office.