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Created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the ten-year Trust-initiated Project CLAP@JC is Hong Kong’s first cross-sectoral support platform on career and life development (CLD), aiming to foster a sustainable ecosystem by bringing together the education, business, and community sectors to smoothen the transition from school to work for all youth. The project encourages youth to “LIVE DIFFERENT, LIVE FULL” and maximise their endless potential through setting sail to a unique life journey.
In the first five years, CLAP@JC has successfully engaged with 30,000 youths and trained over 4,000 teachers and 1,800 social workers. Building on the experience gained, CLAP@JC has benchmarked with global CLD-driven practice, and en route to formulate a localised framework of career and life development “CLAP HK Benchmarks”, which will be implemented in 1/3 of Hong Kong secondary schools. In community and workplace, the CLD-driven intervention will be promoted in over 70 mainstream youth services units and pre-employment trainings. The project targets to benefit 160,000 youths and envision the younger generation to be able to achieve meaningful lives and aspire to make positive contributions to society.
To learn more about the project, please visit: