Charities & Community

CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia

To develop Hong Kong into an environmentally friendly and sustainable city, public education is vital, while promoting green behaviours and encouraging the public to support green initiatives are the keys. It was to further these objectives that The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust funded the CUHK Jockey Club Initiative Gaia, a five-year community engagement programme carried out by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and supported by the HK$70 million donation in 2012. Recent events under the programme include a two-day environmental fair themed as "Low Carbon – Blue Sky" and the second annual Eco Tour Photo Contest.

Already established under the project is the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC), the first of its kind in Hong Kong. Located at the university, the museum features the "Three Poles" (including South Pole, North Pole and Mt Everest) collection by renowned Hong Kong explorer Dr Rebecca Lee, along with information on the Trust’s contributions to environmental protection and the innovative research initiated by CUHK. For the first time, selected exhibits from the MoCC have been included at the Environment Fair, including those on global warming and its causes.