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Hidden danger of polyps

Hemorrhoids, constipation and polyps are modern-day afflictions that are very similar to the symptoms of bowel cancer and the general public may find it difficult to distinguish between them. Therefore, it’s best to seek advice from your family doctor. Even if you don’t have hemorrhoids, constipation or polyps, it doesn’t mean that you’re safe since you still may be affected by high-risk factors.

Symptom Characteristics Risk
Hemorrhoids Blood in stool, difficulty eliminating, change in the volume of stool Usually not cancerous, and lesions tend to be benign
Constipation Difficult or painful elimination, blood in stool, feeling of incomplete defecation, abdominal pain, distension, etc. There are many risk factors
Polyps Without a colonoscopy, there is no way to tell if there are any polyps

There are 3 types of polyps, they are hyperplastic polyp, adenoma and advanced adenoma
They may become cancerous. The risk doubles if they are more than 10mm in size.

Among the three symptoms, polyps carry the highest risk and require special attention. Visit the CUHK Jockey Club Bowel Cancer Education Centre’s website: and complete the colorectal-polyp prediction index, plus watch the following video to understand the formation, type and treatment of symptoms!

*If you have any questions or need any advice on the content of these tips, please talk to your doctor or other qualified professional.