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Give extra meaning to Christmas

After Christmas, there are usually lots of leftovers and empty glass beverage bottles. According to the Hong Chi Jockey Club Glass Bottle Recycling Project, the number of glass bottles recovered after the holidays is 15-20% higher than their usual 3-tonne haul. Glass does not disintegrate and takes up a lot of the limited space in landfills. Recycled glass can be used to make eco-bricks that are widely used in pavement and in parks. In addition, sand from crushed glass can be substituted for sand from rivers that is used to produce ordinary bricks, and this reduces the dragging of riverbeds and preserves their ecological environment.

    Notes about the recycling of glass beverage bottles:

  • Rinse the bottle to avoid bacteria breeding
  • Remove the plastic or metal cap, and it’s best to wash off the paper label
  • Avoid mixing the bottles with other rubbish, as this can slow down the recycling process
  • Bottles that contain chemicals or other impurities cannot be recycled

Recycling a red wine glass bottle can produce an eco-brick and reduce damage to the environment. Please participate in the programme by bringing your used bottles to the Hong Chi Jockey Club Glass Recycling Project recycling site. In addition, Green Monday cooking instructor Mabel will show you how to take leftovers and turn them into a festive Christmas tree!