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Will rope skipping leave you with muscular calves?

Since rope skipping focuses on the legs, the calf muscles will be engorged with blood after training, and people may mistakenly think that they'll become big.

Actually, the shape of your calves is not directly related to skipping rope. It could be related to genetics, water retention, or improper posture that leads to short-term muscle bulge. As long as you pay attention to stretching and having the correct posture both before and after skipping, the muscular lines in your calves will be strong and lean.

Other common problems with rope skipping are that if your rope length is unsuitable, it's easy to hit your feet and the back of your head. Also, if your rope skipping form is incorrect, you may experience pain in your calves since the muscles accumulate lactic acid easily. Let’s get some advice from Hong Kong Rope Skipping Club Coach Director, Ken Cheng!

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